Eight 'n Up (2017)
No Expectations
AB (2007)
AG feat. Brian Fennell (2018)
Argyle, Kristi (2019)
Attention Slap (2013)
Asherton, Johan (1989)
Baez, Joan (1970)
Bandhouse Gigs (2021) Note: Recorded live in 2013.
Bartering starring Baron Stewart (1975)
Beach, Christian (2007)
Beck & Beth Orton (Bootleg, live 2000)
Birdwatcher, The (2000)
Black Crowes, The (2010) Note: Live-version.
Bluespumpm (2006) Note: With Mick Taylor on guitar and vocals.
Bohren, Spencer (2002)
Bottle Hill (1972)
Brennan, Dennis And The White Owls (2019)
Brick Road Ramblers (2003)
Cana Ramblers, The (2009)
Cash, Johnny (1978)
Christovam, Andre (1997)
Clement, Jack (2004)
Collins, Judy (1982)
Comercial, La (2011)
Country Journal (1990)
Cowboy Junkies (2022)
Cox, Doug & Sam Hurrie (2005)
Dillon, Jimmy (2000)
Dirtbombs, The (2005)
Evans, Rusty (2000)
Fatal Flowers (1988)
Foxfire (1995)
Gorwell, Andy (2001)
Griffith, Nancy (1997)
Hangouts, The (2013) Note: In Dutch, under title: "Gjin Fidusje".
Hartford, John (1984)
Hensley, Jerry (2004)
Jennings, Waylon (1998)
John Spencer’s Lotus (1978)
Keith, Bill (1976)
Kravitz, Lenny (bootleg, live 1991, with MJ sharing vocals)
Livs, Anitas (1995)
Lüde & die Astros (1989)
Macadam (2013)
Mason, Bobby (2004)
Melinda (2014)
Mullen, Wendy Ellison (2010)
Nena (DVD, 2003)
New Deal String Band (1970)
Odetta (1970)
Perry, Bill (2002)
Radiators (1992)
Rawlett, Billy (2003)
Redwing (2006)
Retz (2012)
Ries, Tim (2008) Note: With CW on drums.
Riopelle, Jerry (1977)
Rooney, Jim (1996)
Roth, Arlen (2016)
Roy, J.W. (2004)
Russell, Calvin (2001)
Scruggs, Earl & Tom T. Hall (1982)
Six By Seven (1998)
Smither, Chris (1972)
Soulsavers (2007)
Southern, Cassady (2013)
Spedding, Chris (2002)
Spider & The Fly (2012)
Spikedrivers, The (2007)
Stone (2015)
Strangemen (1989)
Stuffin‘ (1969)
Tedeshi, Susan (2006)
Taylor, Mick (DVD, 2009)
Thessink, Hans (2009)
Thessink, Hans (2011)
Thessink, Hans (2014) Note: Recorded live in 2013.
Thorogood, George (2017)
Totta’s Bluesband (1985)
Veteranos, Los (2002)
Williams, Lucinda (2020)
Yonder Mountain String Band (2002)
Young, Steve (1982)
No Use In Crying
Eight 'n Up (2017)
Now I've Got A Witness (Nanker/Phelge)
Lyres, The (1994)