Mick Taylor's Complete Works 1963 - 2025

A year-by-year catalogue of releases, studio work and live appearances, including tracklists and setlists as far as known with artists such as John Mayall, Rolling Stones, Jack Bruce, Alvin Lee, Bob Dylan, Carla Olson, James Harman, Terry Reid, Billy Preston and many others. And of course his solowork. All info as far as known - no liability assumed.

Please feel free to send in additions, corrections, questions or scans of missing ticket stubs to Nico.

  If you take portions from this website, please note your source!

photo taken at Quasimodo, Berlin, November 8, 2001 by Axel Schumacher

official Mick Taylor Facebook group

Ed's Mick Taylor Fan Club group

Chrome's John Mayall website

John Mayall's offcial website

Megaton Taylor - a Japanese fan-site

GimmeMT (Opinionated Mick Taylor Discussion & Community)


Hjort, Christopher: Strange Brew: The British Blues Boom 1965-1970; Outline Press Ltd. 2007
Logoz, Dinu: John Mayall - His Recordings, His Sessions, His Sidemen; private publication 1992

Lewis, Al: Blues Man, private publication; (see adress above)